A New Kind of Wilderness


84 min.

On a small farm in the Norwegian forest, a family seeks a wild free existence. However, after a tragic event changes everything, they are forced from their idyllic farm and into the expectations of modern society.


On a small farm in a Norwegian forest, the Paynes live a purposefully isolated life, aiming to be wild and free. Maria and Nik, along with their four children Ulv, Falk, Freja, and Ronja are self-sufficient. They practice home-schooling and strive for a closely-knit family dynamic in harmony with nature. However, when tragedy strikes the family, it upends their idyllic world and forces them to forge a new path into modern society. In A NEW KIND OF WILDERNESS, filmmaker Silje Evensmo Jacobsen captures an intimate and soulful portrait of love, life, and growing up. The Paynes’ journey, their triumphs and struggles, invite reflection on our own life choices, our responsibility to the planet and our children, and how we navigate life after loss.

  • Director

    Silje Evensmo Jacobsen

  • Producer

    Mari Bakke Riise

  • Produced by

    A5 Film for DR, NRK & SVT

  • Original title

    Ukjent Landskap

  • Format

    84 min.

  • Release


Awards & festivals

  • Winner

    Grand Jury Prize, Sundance Film Festival


  • Official Selection

    Millenium Docs Against Gravity


  • In Competition

    Thessaloniki International Film Festival
