Behind Every Man


8 x 30 min.

Is it women or men who have the upper hand in the pressure cooker of the workplace in 2024?


Michael sits comfortably as the head chef at the popular restaurant "Værk" in Copenhagen. He has built it up from scratch and with his assertive leadership style, turned the restaurant into a success. However, when his superior, Vibeke, suddenly hires a new female sous-chef, Naja, everything changes for Michael. Naja brings with her a new, modern perspective on success and leadership, and it challenges Michael. He hasn't kept up with the trends and doesn't want to be lectured about proper behavior, equality, and casual racism. This quickly creates a conflict between the two. The problem is that Michael must make the collaboration work, as a case involving a former sous-chef hangs over his head. Naja gradually gains more and more influence at "Værk," both in terms of management and socially, which fuels her desire to climb to the top. When Michael realizes that Naja wants to become the head chef herself, a war sets off between the two. While Michael and Naja fight for the title and power, skeletons come out of the closet, and the conflict gradually has bigger and bigger consequences for the restaurant, the employees, and most importantly, themselves. But in reality, a bigger enemy threatens. The boss, Vibeke, has secret plans for the restaurant that force Michael and Naja to collaborate despite their differences. But can they trust each other when push comes to shove?

  • Director

    Julie Rudbæk and Jesper Zuschlag

  • Creator

    Julie Rudbæk and Jesper Zuschlag

  • Producer

    Nanna Nyboe Lindblad-Tabor

  • Produced by

    Drive Studios for DR Drama

  • Cast

    Julie Rudbæk, Jesper Zuschlag, Ann Eleonora Jørgensen, Camilla Lau

  • Original title

    Bag Enhver Mand

  • Format

    8 x 30 min.

  • Release

    Q1 2024